2013 Festival of the Masters at Downtown Disney

November 8 – 10, Downtown Disney hosted the 38th Festival of the Masters. This was our third year to attend. Because of the overlap with Food & Wine, we were only able to make it over once and missed things that in the program sounded interesting.

With all the construction and fences, there

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2012 Festival of the Seasons at Downtown Disney

As this is the end of the 2012 Christmas holidays*, I am wrapping up our photo tour of Walt Disney World. Today we visit Downtown Disney where I learned that the holiday events actually have a name – “Festival of the Seasons”.


There were several spots set-up for family photos; the seasonal ones

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2012 Festival of the Masters Downtown Disney

2012 marked the 37th Festival of the Masters. What surprised me is that the event guide indicates it has been held at the Downtown Disney “area” all 37 years. So the Festival of the Masters started in 1975? Wow…

We are not much into art. Nora does lots of handwork and many of her

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Car Masters Weekend 2012 – Downtown Disney West Side

This was the second year for Car Masters at DTD (held June 2nd & 3rd). Last year was more a promo for the release of Cars 2… and it was held in May. That said, someone must have thought it went fairly well since it was brought back this year. I love cars but I

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2011 Holidays and Wall-E Ornament

Due to a long awaited vacation in mid-December as well as trying to keep up with our other businesses we did not get to do Christmas at WDW. Normally we visit often in December and it helps us get in the holiday spirit. If you have never experienced the magic of the holidays at WDW

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