This Food & Wine Tasting took place on November 6, 2014
This is the same day we tried the Griddled “Yard Bird” … Because we had set up camp in Norway, I said I’d hold the table while Nick went over to the China Marketplace and get us a couple of steamed buns (I wanted Mongolian Beef – sentimental because of enjoying Mongolian Beef at Hang Chow while we were in college; Nick wanted the Roasted Duck because, well, he likes duck!)
He called he while in line, same story as the line for Farm Fresh, too few cast members… But this was quickly resolved (Nick commented that once the cast members in China realized there was a bottle neck, they jumped up and efficiently took care of guests) and he soon came around the corner with two steamed buns. I took photos while he went to the Norway beer cart for a bottle of Voss and a Carlsberg (hi Harry!).

Nick supplied both of us with ample sriracha… Good thing because the hoisin on the duck was so sweet, the spiciness and heat from the sriracha was very welcome. The steamed buns were nearly perfect, great texture and great tooth.
The duck was okay, nothing great (we both thought the hoisin was too sweet). We were both pleased with the Mongolian Beef Bun, we’d get this again.
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