November 30th, 2013 We like to look back at each year’s Epcot International Food & Wine Festival before we really charge into Holidays at Disney World – it really helps us when we start planning the next year’s Festival. Our “festival habits” have changed a lot in recent years…
2010 2011 2012 2013 Signature Dinners 2 1 0
continue reading 2013 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival – Let’s wrap this up, final thoughts …
November 29th, 2013 We did a quick summary of wines, beer, etc… part way through the Festival (here).
Quick recap if you don’t want to follow the link…
Brazil Marketplace – Xingu Black Beer, not so great but not bad Outpost (near Africa) – St George Beer, not likely to go out of our way to have again
continue reading 2013 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival – summary of wines beer etc …
November 28th, 2013 I mentioned earlier that we attended the last Culinary Demonstration of the 2013 Epcot Food & Wine Festival… At the end of our demo, the cast members who had participated in the culinary demos, the wine demos, the cocktail demos, etc… were recognized for another successful Food & Wine. Pam Smith made it a point
continue reading 2013 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival – A Good-Bye and Thank-You to the Festival Center Cast Members …
November 28th, 2013 Hello Everyone,
Our great friend Asta makes the technical part of this blog work. He also blogs (we’ll leave it up to him if he wants to link to his blog in the comments). If you happen to be involved in network management, you’ll want to know him. Asta owns a software company that does
continue reading 6LSNRS – Our Thanksgiving Message …
November 27th, 2013 So, yesterday I showed you one of the two items from our “must have” or “really want” lists that we were able to get AND I told you that some booths were sold out of some items (excepting Ireland – they only had dessert left)…
We both had the lettuce wrap from South Korea on
continue reading 2013 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival – South Korea Marketplace – Lettuce Wrap with Roast Pork …
November 26th, 2013 Well, it’s the last night of the Food & Wine Festival and there are a few things that we really wanted to try that we haven’t gotten around to yet… Let’s start with the Pork Slider (nick) and the Tuna Poke (me).
Kalua Pork Slider with Sweet and Sour Dole® Pineapple Chutney &
continue reading 2013 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival – Hawaii Marketplace – Pork Slider & Tuna Poke …
November 25th, 2013 Okay, the zapiekanki is an example of memory outpacing actual experience.
We both thought that this was one of our hits from 2012 (ha! not so much)… So we had eagerly awaited a cooler evening during the 2013 Festival when we could get this tasty gem and actually enjoy it. So, on the first cool
continue reading 2013 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival – Poland Marketplace – Zapiekanki & Okocim O.K. Beer …
November 24th, 2013
Okay, I know that the photos taken with my iPhone aren’t that great but this concert was… In fact, we stayed later than we intended to, just to see the last set. A few quick comments
Dennis DeYoung has done a marvelous job preserving his voice, he sounded great (Augus Zedra performed the harder
continue reading Dennis DeYoung (formerly of Styx) Eat to the Beat Concert …
November 23rd, 2013 The day of the huge group tour of food & wine – we split a Lamb Meatball with Spicy Tomato Chutney from the New Zealand Marketplace, it wasn’t any better than last year, and we each had our own Venison Sausage with Pickled Mushrooms, Baby Arugula & Black Currant Reduction, it was good enough to
continue reading 2013 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival – New Zealand Marketplace – Venison Sausage …
November 22nd, 2013 I wanted to sample the Schinkennudeln (Pasta Gratin with Ham & Cheese) – Nick didn’t have this as a “must have” on his list…
a digression, not to be confused with digestion
By the way… Have you heard of the new cookbook that’s all over the blogosphere the last few weeks? It’s “Melt: The Art
continue reading 2013 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival – Germany Marketplace – Schinkennudeln & Riesling Kabinett …
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