Chef’s Tasting of White Truffles from Alba at bluezoo

subtitle: Salt

We received a tweet from Chef Ryan the other evening, “come have dinner tomorrow night we have some great white truffle from alba” – well, you can’t turn down a Chef’s direct request can you? Not when you KNOW the food is going to be amazing… And amazing it was – the food,

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bluezoo lounge for oysters, 2 appetizers, and a surprise from the new chef de cuisine

We were recently at bluezoo, as is our wont… On this particular evening, we weren’t really that hungry and planned to have oysters and to split a couple of appetizers.

Steamboat Oysters (Puget Sound, Washington state) a.k.a. Totten Oysters… with Nora’s favorite accompaniments (plain horseradish, lemons, and sriracha)

We each had two of

continue reading bluezoo lounge for oysters, 2 appetizers, and a surprise from the new chef de cuisine

A different breakfast at the Wave

On a recent Sunday we were out and about at Walt Disney World taking photos of the Gingerbread House at the Grand Floridian and of the Gingerbread Tree at the Contemporary. We were a bit disappointed that these two displays were in place (in fact, there were Q&A sessions with the Pasty Chefs on Friday

continue reading A different breakfast at the Wave

First Cocktail at Shula’s Steakhouse in the Dolphin Resort

Do you remember that Joseph, one of our favorite servers from bluezoo, had moved over to Shula’s Steakhouse?

Well, we stopped in to see him recently, but he wasn’t serving that night, he was subbing in the bar.

Can you believe that we’ve NEVER been to the bar at Shula’s Steakhouse? So, of course, we

continue reading First Cocktail at Shula’s Steakhouse in the Dolphin Resort

2013 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival – Culinary Demonstration with Michael Gonsalves from Golden Oak’s Summerhouse

Artisanal Hand Made Charcuterie and Cheese Board

Duck Pastrami, Bison Sausage, and Cow Girl Creamery Cheese with Artisanal Mustard and Craisin® Preserves

paired with

Iron Horse Estate Pinot Noir

David Munksgard & Pam Smith

It’s David from Iron Horse Vineyards (to avoid being redundant, here’s

continue reading 2013 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival – Culinary Demonstration with Michael Gonsalves from Golden Oak’s Summerhouse

Simple dinner in bluezoo lounge on a somewhat quiet Friday evening

I’ll cut right to the chase…

The other Friday night (a week after the big do with a large group wandering around Epcot Food & Wine Festival), Nick and I made our way over to bluezoo to say “hello” to everyone and to enjoy a light dinner sitting in the lounge. I was also really

continue reading Simple dinner in bluezoo lounge on a somewhat quiet Friday evening

Charcuterie board at bluezoo (and experimenting with Boulevardier formula)

The day before the meet-up for cocktails in the bluezoo lounge, we went over to nail down Nick’s Boulevardier cocktail. He’s been getting it since back last spring, but there was a lot of variability (that was due to the pursuit of the perfect Boulevardier) and the taste just wasn’t what he wanted.

On the

continue reading Charcuterie board at bluezoo (and experimenting with Boulevardier formula)

cocktails and more at bluezoo with new friends

Last Friday evening, we met Melissa (@melissisms) and Danny (@hyperionpapers) from Hyperion Papers and Sarah (@eatingwdw) from EatingWDW for cocktails at bluezoo lounge. We’ve gotten to know each other through blogs, twitter, and personal emails.

Nick and I were the first to arrive and of course, we ordered a couple of cocktails…


continue reading cocktails and more at bluezoo with new friends

Cabana Poolside Bar – Dolphin Resort

We recently stopped in at the Cabana poolside bar with a large group of friends, you see, we had committed the ultimate WDW visitor error – no planning in advance for food. Luckily, Nick remembered that one of managers from bluezoo had recently moved over to Cabana (and, since the food from Cabana was quite

continue reading Cabana Poolside Bar – Dolphin Resort

Oysters, Salmon, Chocolate… perfect food at bluezoo

Kris and Kevin came to visit and to go to the Swan and Dolphin Food & Wine Classic with us (here, here, here)… Of course, while they were here, we had to go to bluezoo for dinner! (when they come back at Thanksgiving, we plan to go again!)

We don’t have photos of all the

continue reading Oysters, Salmon, Chocolate… perfect food at bluezoo

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