New Zealand Booth – Seared Scallop – Epcot International Food & Wine Festival 2012

Seared Sea Scallop

Seared Sea Scallop with Kumara Red Curry Puree and Apple Radish Salad

The red curry puree underneath tasted like mashed sweet potato, nothing more.

The seared sea scallop was overcooked and gritty.

When we arrived at the booth, we had to wait for this item. Even though we stood and awaited, it was still overcooked – so it’s conclusively the COOKING not the WAITING under a heat lamp that caused it to be overcooked.

Nora is back on her hobby horse after this… Why? why? why? is the food in the Tasting Booths so poorly prepared? Is it due to WDW Health and Food Safety rules? Or is it due to simple stupidity when it comes to cooking? Or maybe some of the people cooking are chefs who know cheffing but don’t know cooking?

On our scale of 1-10 (1=never ever again and 10=gotta have this 2 or 3 more times) – nora gives it a 3 and nick gives it a 4, overall we give it 3.5 out of 10… don’t think we’re going to be having this again

The radish and apple slaw was the most redeemable feature – that’s pretty sad

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