Hey! We have a news scoop!

First background regarding the counter-service venue at the Japan Pavilion…

Andy from Eating (and Drinking) around the World (here) reported in August that Yakitori House at the Japan Pavilion was going to be closed for 3 months (or more) for refurbishment. (here) reported that this area would be renamed “Katsura Gardens” and would be an homage to the Katsura Imperial Villa… The actual quick-service dining location will be named the “Katsura Grill.”

On September 22, the Epcot Explorer’s Encyclopedia website had photos of the significant things happening behind those construction walls in the Japan Pavilion (here). Some of their photos show that the old Yakitori House is being expanded in the rear and the front – this is in agreement with what Scott Farrow (Mitsukoshi Restaurants manager) told us on October 31st.

And, on October 19, had more photos of the construction (here).

Now for the scoops!

The projected reopening, or maybe that’s “opening”, of Katsura Gardens is December 15th – hooray!

And, the small store previously seen at the stairs leading up to the “new” Katsura Gardens is going to be a Sake Bar!

Now, we didn’t ask if that means that the sake  bar presently in the back of the department store is going away, so no news on that.

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