Walt Disney World is 40

On Saturday October 1st, Walt Disney World (WDW) turned 40 years old. We were in first grade when WDW, specifically Magic Kingdom (MK) opened on October 1st 1971. Nora dreamed of coming to WDW when she was a child. As far as I can recall, I never thought about coming when I was a child.

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Mexico Pavilion Shrimp Tacos, 2011 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival

For some reason I try “fish” tacos frequently. Well, I try them as often as I find them. Yet, none compare to what my mind/taste say they should be. There is always some freshness missing. The shrimp tacos at the Mexican Pavilion still did not satisfy.

Nora explained to me that a seafood taco

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Epcot Food & Wine — Culinary Demonstration, Bob Getchell – Sanaa

This demonstration was on 30 September, opening day of the 2011 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival. The culinary demonstration space has been altered for 2011. It is no longer a stage at the end of an elongated space with tables but is tables spread wide around a stage. If you attend events you’ll understand

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