
If you know us at all you know that we like a plan.  We like to try to know well in advance what we are doing and where we need to be.  In fact I have trips on my calendar right now all the way through September 2013!  Things might change but there are things that you plan and build the rest of the necessities around.

Last year we attended the “First Annual”  Swan and Dolphin Food and Wine Classic. We reviewed our seminar experience here.  We reviewed the tastings on the causeway here.  We enjoyed these events more than most of what we did at the Epcot Food and Wine Festival (and we did lots!). We gave the Swan and Dolphin folks email addresses so we would know when the festival would be in 2011.  In January they announced the dates, October 7th and 8th.  I immediately put it on my/our calendar!  This would be a can’t miss for us.

Because we learned about this event late last year – we did not have our choices of all the seminars — sold out.  I forgot to post that about 6 weeks ago, they posted the seminars and opened registration for 2011!  If you are interested in details and/or signing up, visit this link.  We registered the week the seminars opened!!

Last year we met several of the staff at the event and are so excited to see them again, especially Chad.  Chad was the manager at Kimono’s but since we last saw him (shame on us for not keeping up with him) he has moved to BlueZoo.  Our few experiences at BlueZoo have been most excellent. It is pricey so we only go when we have friends who are interested in going.  We are frugal so we rarely spend big bucks on meals — unless we have friends to share it with! (This is part of smart spending and creating experiences with your money.)

Kate and Calvin have also signed up for Saturday night.  Last year we did not stay late enough to enjoy the music.  What we did hear, especially the jazz was great.  We plan to take cabs this year and make a night of the event.  A plan is made and even for an event that is local and just for an evening – I put it on the calendar 9 (almost 10) months before it arrived.

Now I’m starting to add Epcot Food and Wine musical acts to my calendar (announced last week).  ELO is playing this year.  ELO was how Nora wrote her Master’s Thesis… Well this is what she played at high volumes while she slogged away at an original Mac with only a floppy drive.  I figure seeing ELO will bring a smile and a grimace to her face.

Just remember if you want to do things with us – we plan far, far in advance. 😉




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