Epcot International Flower and Garden Festival 2014 – Fleur de Lys Gnocchi Parisien

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Gnocchi Parisien a la Provencal (Parisian Style Dumplings with Vegetables and Mushrooms)

#fleurdelys #gnocchi #epcot #flowerandgardenfest 2014 - 1

The dumplings weren’t like Italian gnocchi at all in terms of shape or texture. It was more like someone had made a long “snake” of dough, cut it off into equal sections, and called it dumplings.

The vegetables were not overly done, although the flavor of the roasted red pepper was dominant, it wasn’t overpowering.

#fleurdelys #gnocchi #epcot #flowerandgardenfest 2014 - 2

The white disk  is cheese of some sort, it tasted a little like goat cheese.

This dish “held well” – it was kept in a glass warming oven in a little aluminum container and shaken out (upside down) for service.

#fleurdelys #allitems #epcot #flowerandgardenfest 2014We also tried the duck confit and the Kronenbourg Blanc 1664 – this beer paired very well with both dishes. It was light and fruity and went well with the heavy flavors in these two dishes.


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