Grand Floridian Ornaments – Holidays 2013

I have a particular fondness for Christmas ornaments, even years when I’m not bananas about all the folderol surrounding the holidays. There’s something about ornaments which are purposefully chosen and artfully displayed that I truly like.

Birdcages feature prominently at the Grand Floridian - this one is found on one of the small trees. There are large birdcages on the centerpiece tree.

Birdcages feature prominently at the Grand Floridian – this one is found on one of the small trees. There are large birdcages on the centerpiece tree.

This floral bunch has been on Grand Floridian trees for a few years.

This floral bunch has been on Grand Floridian trees for a few years.

An "ivory" cut-away heart - very Victorian

An “ivory” cut-away heart – very Victorian

Beautiful glittery snowflake

Beautiful glittery snowflake – echoes the curlicues seen on the ivory cut-away heart

another ornament keeping with the bird theme

another ornament keeping with the bird theme

these necking swans were located on the centerpiece tree (they are nearly 2 feet wide and 2 feet tall)

these necking swans were located on the centerpiece tree (they are nearly 2 feet wide and 2 feet tall)

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