Extra WDW Magic from around the Ether… Jan.22.2014

I’m going to be a brief today…

One of the BIG things that’s happened at Walt Disney World recently is the opening of Spice Route Tables at the Morocco Pavilion in Epcot. Now, we have our doubts about how this venue will succeed. First of all, the idea of small plates at Tutto Gusto failed miserably because most guests want FOOD, not small plates to share (or at least that’s the story we’ve heard repeatedly). Why in the world (no pun intended) the powers that be would expect a different outcome from Morocco instead of Italy is beyond us… The argument can’t be that Spice Route Tables is serving Mediterranean food and Tutto Gusto wasn’t (isn’t Italian food inherently Mediterranean?). Nor can the argument be that because Spice Route Tables is situated directly on the lagoon, it will be easier to get WDW guests to pay for small plates as opposed to meals (fireworks don’t hold that much sway over people’s behavior). Regardless, there were lots of reviews around the ether – some with the expected outcomes – The Disney Food Blog was bananas gaga fangirl happy about it, Mike Scopa from WDW Today was less than enthusiastic (I’m not sure of the details, I’ve seen only the small notes on twitter), but we can rely on Sarah and Matt at EatingWDW to give us an evenhanded review… Thank you 🙂 Needless to say, while we’re enticed by the prospect of a place that people may be less likely to bring their rug rats and a place where we can enjoy an adult beverage and some marguez, we aren’t running out the door to give this new venue a try – we hope to wait until they get over the opening-pains (huh, maybe a new restaurant opening has to go through labor pains to get it right).

Also, from Sarah & Matt, a look at the redone Dawa Bar at Animal Kingdom theme park. Big Al is particularly fond of stopping by Dawa Bar when our group is visiting Animal Kingdom. The new venue seems larger and laid out to service more guests more easily, if so, that’s pretty good.

Lastly, I hope you noticed that we’ve started writing about PLANNING a trip to Walt Disney World for friends/family. I saw a timely article at TouringPlans.com that also deals with this topic. By the way, this whole planning and executing trips with others is likely to become a somewhat regular topic, so if you have any variations you’re interested in seeing or discussing, please let us know!!!


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