On April 7, we went back to Urban Farm Eats to have two items again (we skipped the Eggplant Scallop for a redo, we eat eggplant and spaghetti squash on a regular basis but not tilapia or beets)… Our main goals were (1) we liked them the first time around and we were hungry and (2) would they be as good the second time?
Pickled Beet Salad with Goat Cheese Cream, Mizuna and Pistachios
Time around, we asked Chef to put the goat cheese cream on TOP instead of underneath the beets and salad greens. Wow! What a difference, it made it much easier to get some of everything with each bite… But, I think I may have discovered WHY it isn’t usually served like this… the goat cheese cream very quickly turned a rather lovely shade of bright pink. This is a very good salad and if we saw it on the menu at a Disney World restaurant, we’re likely to order it.
We also ordered the Ghost pepper dusted tilapia with winter melon slaw and mint oil AGAIN. If you’re a regular reader, you know that we aren’t generally fans of tilapia, so this stuff must taste really good to get us to have it again!
This tilapia was moist again, and juicy, and flavorful.
We’re both a bit surprised at the quality and tastiness of the dishes at Urban Farm Eats (we’d heard through the ether that Chef Jens Dahlmann was particularly involved with Urban Farm Eats and the Smokehouse… it shows! the food at these two booths is the best of the Flower and Garden Festival [in our never to be humble opinion]).