I don’t know that this counts as “extra walt disney world magic” per se… But we were at Downtown Disney this morning (for the #2013eateachsandwich challenge at Earl of Sandwich), and decided to walk down to the AMC Theaters and see how long the lines were for opening day of Monsters University.
We had talked about going to see the movie today, but figured that the lines would be horrid and decided we’d hold the movie in reserve for Tuesday (things are typically much less crowded on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays).
Okay, back to the expected long lines at AMC for Monsters University… There weren’t really any lines (this was about 10:00 and the first showing was sometime between 10:00 and 10:30).
BUT we did get to see them setting up the display for the movie!

Yes, that’s the packing crate that Sulley was in (we saw more packing crates and a shipping truck on our way out… don’t know what was in those!)
So, our plan is to go over on Tuesday and see the movie! AND we’ll also see what the full display looks like.
We’ve been having some rather violent thunderstorms in the late afternoons the past few days… I can’t help but wonder, whose job is it to bring furry Sulley in out of the rain?