This experience took place on Saturday, March 29, 2014
Once again, we started with the hummus and olives. Our server today was Soufiane, she’s new to us, and we were seated at table #13… we saw some interesting things out the window today!

the deep black, fully ripe, squishy olive have so much umami! they went really well with Nick’s Estrella Damm and my glass of Queen of Hearts white
An interesting storm blew in while we were at Spice Road Table. The only camera we had was on my iPhone AND we were taking photos through a window… sorry about the quality. Do you see the two small dots over the trees? Those are gulls, they are flying furiously but not going anywhere! The wind was so strong that those birds were flying with all their might and not going anywhere. We enjoyed watching the storm, the sheets of rain made nice patterns on the lagoon and it was especially nice to be sitting inside dry and comfortable with food and adult beverages while it was storming outside. We found out later, when we got home… there were tornados in the area and Epcot had a tornado warning in effect while we were just sitting in Spice Road Table enjoying ourselves!
We next ordered extra spicy mussels. Nick had an Efes Light (Turkey) and I ordered a glass of the Marques de Caceres Rose (yes, there’s a rose thing going on lately). The Efes Light had a nose with a bit of smoke, maybe tobacco? Nick didn’t really care for it by itself without food, I thought it was very yeasty tasting. The Rose had a bright, tart nose at first (while it was still rather cold), as it warmed there were more fruit aromas; the taste was sour on the sides of the tongue, definitely caused your mouth to water.
The mussels had a lot of tomato on top, there weren’t as spicy or as garlicky as they’ve been lately. (Maybe there’s someone “new” in the kitchen?) They were very tasty nonetheless. 25 mussels to a serving, these continue to be a good value… And they’re really good.
Another nice experience at Spice Road Table. It was a bit surreal to be sitting inside safe and dry and warm and watching the storm raging outside. I think one of the big attractions for us at Spice Road Table is being able to look out that window and disconnect a bit the hubbub of Epcot. At first, we were often alone for at least part of our visits to Spice Road Table, as spring progressed and custom began to pick up, that happened less often – but somehow, sitting at the window and looking out, the tourists didn’t bug me as much as they might have.