Boardwalk Inn & Villas Ornaments – Holidays 2013

Boardwalk Inn Holiday Ornaments & Flowers 2013 - 3

even the ribbons at Walt Disney World are themed and particular to each location

I love Christmas ornaments and blown glass ornaments are a particular favorite. My mother was a fanatic and would add to her collection every year – blown glass wasn’t her favorite but she’d usually let me pick one out on the annual shopping trip. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!


Winne the Pooh

Winne the Pooh

Santa Claus (shhhh!)

Santa Claus (shhhh!)


this is more to my mother's taste

this is more to my mother’s taste

Santa in full garb

Santa in full garb

I thought this little cat was so pretty peeking from behind the "icy" pine needles

I thought this little cat was so pretty peeking from behind the “icy” pine needles

We can’t neglect the floral arrangements!

small arrangement on a coffee table

small arrangement on a coffee table

Boardwalk Inn Holiday Ornaments & Flowers 2013 - 2

large arrangement in the entry foyer

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